Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” ~Maya Angelou

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Truth Be Told Tuesdays -- Don't Hate!

I know I haven't posted in a while.. but there has been a lot going on....
I've been to Southern Shores (OBX), NC beach with my husband's family.. Which was a blast but very exhausting... Then I left the beach half way through the week and went with my family to the Big Apple! An amazing trip, if I must say! If you ever make it to NYC, go see The Lion King on Broadway! AMAZING!

After all the traveling and somewhat decent eating, I came home on Tuesday last week and realized.. "Oh Shit! I have not trained at all for the Bluegrass 10K.. That is freaking 6.2 miles and I have only ever gone 3.1"! I definitely slacked in the running department while on vacation.. I ran about 2 miles at the beach one morning and then ran 2 miles in the Gym at my hotel in NYC... But I did tons of walking there... Still not enough to be prepared for the big race on Monday, July 4th!

As we are all aware (but just in case some of you don't own a calendar or go by the dates in a year), July 4th has come and gone.. and may I first say "God Bless America" and thank you to those who to this day still fight for our freedom and rights as Americans... There is no better place on Earth than the United States...

The Bluegrass 10K was by far the most fun race I have been in (although I only have the Possum Ridge 5K to compare to)... It was bigger, there were people cheering, there were a ton of water stations with people holding out hoses to soak yourself with... it was just bigger! The start and finish lines were "OFFICIAL" looking.. it was overall exciting!

I am so proud of my friend for her time.. she did AMAZING.. She finished in about 1 hour and 4 minutes... she did amazing and she RAN the entire time! I am so proud of her! Me, on the other hand, ran it in 1 hour and 33 minutes... I wanted to make it in 1 hour and 30 minutes, but I will take it. It is my first 10K and I had not run in several days. My friend and I did a test run on Thursday and it took me 1 hour and 47 minutes to finish... Several factors playing into that time: no practice in a week, it was at 5:30 pm, it was 88* and was on the Legacy Trail which I think is a harder course... Small victories.. I beat that time by 14 minutes.. They keep telling me baby steps, but my competitive side (which knows I will probably never win any of these races -- unless I am the only one in it), says I can do so much better! See the results below from the race...
Bluegrass 10K Results

BTW.. Weight results for the week ... down .4 lbs since the last weigh in! I will take it because I haven't weighed in in 2 weeks and I was on a crazy vacation for 1 1/2 of those weeks...

Also.. my dad has joined the game of life (as we should all refer to is as).. cause if we want to live longer, we have to treat our body with respect so we have a nicer ride along the way... He has gone on two walks with David, Bryson and I... And needless to say it has been a little bit of a struggle for him, but he has stuck with us until the end.. He walked about 2.2 miles the first time and 1.8 the second... I am very proud of him... He also lost 3.8 lbs since last week! That is 3.8lbs less that he has to worry about... and 3.8lbs worth of energy that he can spend on his grandbabies! Go Papa!

If anyone is interested in joining my friend and I in some of these races, let us know... We are having fun doing this (never thought I would say that) and the more people we get involved, the better we feel about what we are doing for ourselves... Even if you have to walk, then at least it is better than nothing.. Right!?

See you next week!

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