I keep forgetting to blog and I feel terrible about it because I feel like this really does allow for me to keep myself straight and let others have insight (what little there is) into my small brain. Today was weigh in day at work (as we started another weight loss challenge - provoked by me - for 2012). This challenge ends at the end of March and at that time I will probably promote another one.
Anyway, Results:
Down 1.9 from last week
Total: 36lbs
Long Term Goal: 39 lbs to go
Short Term (Work) Goal: 13 lbs to go
I may not be the healthiest person, but when I get on my kicks to start eating right again and walking, I feel like I can conquer the world (or at least Georgetown and Lexington). Eating right and exercising (even just a little bit) can benefit more than just yourself. I see all these beautiful women (who were bigger in the past) losing weight and just looking amazing and their progress motivates me. When I see them putting their walking shoes on and eating their healthy meals, it puts that bug back in my head. I hope that when people see me do the same it puts the bug in their head as well. I know that when I am at home and I get an apple and start eating it versus the nutty butter bar I could grab, Bryson sees that (and so does David although I think he looks away). Bryson always wants to eat my apples! Love him!
I know I don't have to preach it but eating right and exercising is not easy. If it was, we would all do it and America wouldn't be a fat country with over half the population obese. Seriously! I add to those statistics and I don't want to anymore. Eating right isn't available through drive-thru, I guess if I went to McDonald's I could get a salad. However, there are always those nice juicy burgers and french fries staring at you asking you to cheat! The best way to avoid that is to just not go!
Anyway, my goal is to win the @ work challenge like I did before Christmas. I want to be the two-time champion! :-)
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