Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” ~Maya Angelou

Monday, November 14, 2011

Did You Feel That?

Did you feel that? That was my fat @$$ falling off the dieting band wagon.. and it hurt! You know why? That would be due to the fact that I have put on a terrible 9-10 lbs since I stopped this Blog!! What else have I stopped? Probably the one last thing that made me feel better about myself & my body --- Running..

However... I am back. Maybe not at full speed, but I am definitely back. I have an end in sight.. As many of you know, I am the proud mother of a 2 1/2 year old little man named Bryson Alexander (the absolute love of my life). My husband and I would like to be the proud parents of two, but I cannot proceed down that path until I have a lower body weight. If I was to get pregnant right now, at my current weight, I think it would do more harm than good.

So as of tomorrow, I am starting an actual diet plan. I am paying for this (for real). I am joining a few ladies at my work with this program... Hopefully the support from fellow dieters and family and friends, will help me get back on track to where I need to be. Even though I won't be able to meet my ultimate goal of 75 lbs, at least I will get on track and have healthy eating skills engrained at the same time.

Wish me luck and I will talk to you later!

(Also, this is the new sign I am putting up @ my desk - haha)